Toward A Larger Freedom:
Citizen-powered Democracy in Present-day Baton Rouge

Rev. Conway Knighton has pastored St. Mary Baptist Church since 2000. A native of Scotlandville in North Baton Rouge, he belongs to the original group of black pastors who founded Together Baton Rouge. Because he believes the role of the church is to meet the needs of the community, Rev. Knighton maintains an ‘open-door policy’ at St. Mary. Over the years, he has been eager to open the doors of the church for TBR meetings and actions.

0:00 Rev. Knighton reminisces on his upbringing in Greater Mt. Carmel Baptist Church. 

1:05 Rev. Knighton talks about belonging to the group of Black pastors who founded Together Baton Rouge.

2:28 Rev. Knighton describes the impact of Together Baton Rouge and his ongoing effort to keep St. Mary Baptist members engaged in public life.